An Open Letter On Anti-Asian Racism & Christian Nationalism
Coverage of ACX
"The Pandemic Released A Wave of Anti-Asian Hate. Now They're Fighting Bias In Their Own Pews." Sarah Ngu. NBC Asian America. 9.8.21.
How Purity Culture and Anti-Asian Racism Intersect In Some White Evangelical Circles." Sarah Ngu. NBC Asian America, 5.17.21
"Letter Ties Rise In Anti-Asian Racism to Politicians' Christian Nationalist Rhetoric." Renee Roden, Religion News Service, 7.1.21
Essays and Opinion Editorials
"Lamenting Sanctified Sinophobia, Demanding Transformation." Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity, 12.24.20
"'God Bless Mr. Truman': Christian Nationalism's Impact on Anti-Asian Hate." Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity, 01.07.21
"I'm A Chinese School Dropout. That's Why I Stand Against Christian Nationalism." Asian American Christian Collaborative, 01.07.21
"'Sanctified Sinophobia' and the Role of Christian Nationalism in Anti-Asian Racism." Interview for Anxious Bench blog, 01.11.21
"Cross, Fire: How My Uncle's Hong Kong Film Collection Fueled My Resistance to Christian Nationalism." Inheritance Magazine, 1.13.21
"Possessed by Legion: Anti-Asian Hate and Christian Nationalism." Faithfully Magazine, 1.29.21
"Reactions to Biden's Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism's Anti-Asian Side." Religion Dispatches, 2.1.21
"At The Chapel’s Door: How Bruce Springsteen’s Jeep Ad Displays the Roots of Anti-Asian Violence." Red Letter Christians, 2.12.21
"Asian Americans, Christian Nationalism, And COVID-19 Discrimination." Relevant Magazine, 3.19.21
"How Did The Atlanta Spa Shooter Get To That Point?" Christian Century, 3.25.21
"It's Not Enough To Condemn Hate." Sojourners, 3.26.21
"To Stop Anti-Asian Hate, We Must Confront Sanctified Sinophobia." Institute for Christian Socialism, 5.28.21
"The Yellow Peril's Second Coming." The Revealer, 6.3.21
"Christian Opponents of CRT Peddle A Hollow Salvation." Sojourners, 6.24.21
"Against Sanctified Sinophobia." Religious Socialism (DSA group), 7.22.21
Podcast Interviews About ACX
Interview with Casey Hobbs of Public Theologians, 2.24.21
Interview with Casey Hobbs of Public Theologians, 8.5.21
Interview with Dr. Bradley Onishi of Straight White American Jesus, 7.12.21
Interview with Ken Fong on the Asian America Podcast, 10.4.21
Interview with 1000 Cuts, the official podcast of Black Socialists in America, 10.10.21
Useful Links
Asian-American Christian Collective
Barmen Declaration of 1934, co-written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Indonesian Journal of Theology
Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity
Institute for Christian Socialism
"Letter From A Birmingham Jail," by Martin Luther King Jr.
Taking America Back For God: Christian Nationalism in the United States, by Samuel Perry and Andrew Whitehead
White Evangelical Racism, by Anthea Butler